About us

The OVOLPE Foundation

OVOLPE ist bestrebt mit geeigneten und humanen Massnahmen und möglichst wenig Einschränkung an Freiheit, Wohlstand und Sicherheit das Optimum der Population Mensch auf dem Planeten Erde herzustellen. Dafür konzentrieren wir uns insbesondere darauf, Bildung für Frauen zu fördern sowie den Zugang zu Verhütungsmitteln zu ermöglichen.

In essence, OVOLPE aims to enable prosperity for all while protecting nature and preserving resources and raw materials for future generations.

The Foundation’s Board

Nepomuk Pestalozzi

Founder and President of Foundation’s Board

Linos Hitroff

Managing Director and Board Member

Ivo Harb

Solicitor and Board Member

OVOLPE’s Key Ideas

OVOLPE wurde gegründet, weil es keine Organisation gibt, die sich für die Anpassung der Anzahl Individuen der Spezies Mensch in Relation zu Ressourcen und Umweltverträglichkeit bei Etablierung von Wohlstand für alle Menschen einsetzt. 

Did you know that the world population has more than tripled between 1953 and 2023 (70 years = one human lifetime)? More and more people need food, water, and living space. At the same time, we are consuming too many resources and polluting the environment. We must act before it’s too late.

Education is one of the most important tools for improving living conditions all over the world. Unfortunately, it is primarily women in some countries who still have not access to education or are even being actively hindered from attending schools or pursuing careers. This is why OVOLPE actively works to improve women’s access to education and professional life.

In additional to education, access to contraceptives is another important factor. Through the availability of an open selection of safe and effective contraceptive agents and methods in connection with the right kind of sex education, people can control if and when they want to start families. This also creates the foundation for them becoming financially stable enough before they start a family.

We are working hard on improving people’s quality of life all over the world. This includes protecting the environment. This means among other things working to counter climate change and loss of species diversity.

OVOLPE ist politisch und konfessionell unabhängig und neutral.

No objections can be raised against religions, which practice a peaceful coexistence with and tolerance of those of other religions. On the contrary: Faith is in fact important and helpful to many people and gives their lives meaning.

In the 5 major world religions, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism, the family is assigned a very high priority along with the deity/deities. Rightly so, since the family ultimately constitutes the foundation of human civilisation. A family consists of parents in in most cases of one or more children as well. These families should thrive in a peaceful and humane environment and in prosperity. These include, along with shelter, adequate food, work, leisure, etc. and most of all adequate education for the children.

Im vorindustriellen Zeitalter, als sich die grossen Weltreligionen richtungsweisend entwickelt haben, bestand nur begrenzt die Möglichkeit, die Anzahl Kinder einer Familie zu steuern. Ausserdem wurde der Nachwuchs gebraucht, um die Ernährung zu sichern sowie Infrastrukturen und bestenfalls Wohlstand aufzubauen. Viele Kinder waren also als Arbeitskräfte ein Segen. In der modernen Welt haben wir Maschinen, die viele Arbeiter ersetzen. Zudem ist ein immer grösserer Teil der Infrastruktur schon vorhanden. Logischerweise braucht es daher weniger Arbeitskräfte und somit auch weniger Kinder.

Unplanned “being fruitful and multiplying” today leads to poverty, unhappiness, chaos, and violence and in the worst case it will make the basis of our very lives, the planet Earth, uninhabitable. OVOLPE says, start a family and have children, if you are in good material conditions to do that. Good education and a happy life for your children free of poverty should be foreseeable. Religious leaders should condemn and denounce base motivations (gaining power or material advantages) for such multiplication. Families with children in harmony with nature, keeping their lifestyle in harmony with the available resources must be championed.

Our Partnerships

Zu unseren Partnern zählen: Engoitoi Epuan / Burundi Kids / Thatha Ithabu / Help2kids / Pratthanadee Foundation und BKKBN


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Mit Ihrer Spende setzt sich die Stiftung OVOLPE in vielen Projekten für die Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen auch für kommende Generationen auf dem Planten Erde ein.


The OVOLPE Foundation
Postbox 527
8700 Küsnacht

Main Office

The OVOLPE Foundation
Bahnhofstrasse 29
6300 Zug

Bank information for donations

OVOLPE’s account data:
CH65 0680 8050 0106 4030 0