About us
The OVOLPE Foundation
OVOLPE is committed to achieving the optimum of the human population on planet Earth with appropriate and humane measures and minimal restrictions on freedom, prosperity, and security. OVOLPE advocates for a global recommendation (regulation) from the UN regarding the number of children per family and the establishment of a corresponding incentive system. Additionally, we focus specifically on promoting education for women and facilitating access to contraception.
In essence, OVOLPE aims to enable prosperity for all while protecting nature and preserving resources and raw materials for future generations.
Stiftungsrat & Team

Nepomuk Pestalozzi

Linos Hitroff

Daniel Schaub
The Foundation’s Board

Rahel Nunes Monteiro
Social Media Managerin

Ivo Harb
Solicitor and Board Member
OVOLPE’s Key Ideas
OVOLPE was founded because there was no organisation which is dedicated to adjusting the number of individuals of the human species with respect to natural resources and environmental sustainability while securing prosperity for all. Likely the only ethically responsible and most efficient means of bringing about a society in which everyone lives in prosperity without putting excessive strain on the existing resources and destroying the environment is the introduction of global regulations limiting births. This is also the measure which, compared to other options, brings about the fewest restrictions on and limitations to liberty. OVOLPE’s task is to disseminate this vision and make it socially acceptable. Did you know that the world population has more than tripled between 1953 and 2023 (70 years = one human lifetime)? More and more people need food, water, and living space. At the same time, we are consuming too many resources and polluting the environment. We must act before it’s too late. Education is one of the most important tools for improving living conditions all over the world. Unfortunately, it is primarily women in some countries who still have not access to education or are even being actively hindered from attending schools or pursuing careers. This is why OVOLPE actively works to improve women’s access to education and professional life. In additional to education, access to contraceptives is another important factor. Through the availability of an open selection of safe and effective contraceptive agents and methods in connection with the right kind of sex education, people can control if and when they want to start families. This also creates the foundation for them becoming financially stable enough before they start a family. We are working hard on improving people’s quality of life all over the world. This includes protecting the environment. This means among other things working to counter climate change and loss of species diversity.
Did you know that the world population has more than tripled between 1953 and 2023 (70 years = one human lifetime)? More and more people need food, water, and living space. At the same time, we are consuming too many resources and polluting the environment. We must act before it’s too late.
Education is one of the most important tools for improving living conditions all over the world. Unfortunately, it is primarily women in some countries who still have not access to education or are even being actively hindered from attending schools or pursuing careers. This is why OVOLPE actively works to improve women’s access to education and professional life.
In additional to education, access to contraceptives is another important factor. Through the availability of an open selection of safe and effective contraceptive agents and methods in connection with the right kind of sex education, people can control if and when they want to start families. This also creates the foundation for them becoming financially stable enough before they start a family.
We are working hard on improving people’s quality of life all over the world. This includes protecting the environment. This means among other things working to counter climate change and loss of species diversity.
The human right to decide how many children on has stands in blinding contradiction to other human rights, such as the right to food, education, bodily integrity, work, and suitable compensation for work, child safety, education, participation in cultural life, etc.
All of the human rights mentioned here and more can only be established if sufficient resources are available. Human rights will be realized through laws and regulations. In OVOLPE’s view, all the other human rights can be summarised under the rubric of prosperity, can only be effectively asserted in a society in which the number of individuals is manageable and there are sufficient resources available.
If this condition is to be reached, OVOLPE is convinced that the number of births must be globally regulated, to keep the human population limited to a level adjusted to the resources and technological progress.
For that reason, OVOLPE makes its case for the negligible adjustment of one particular human right, namely, that the freedom to choose the number of children must be adjusted for the situation.
No objections can be raised against religions, which practice a peaceful coexistence with and tolerance of those of other religions. On the contrary: Faith is in fact important and helpful to many people and gives their lives meaning.
In the 5 major world religions, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism, the family is assigned a very high priority along with the deity/deities. Rightly so, since the family ultimately constitutes the foundation of human civilisation. A family consists of parents in in most cases of one or more children as well. These families should thrive in a peaceful and humane environment and in prosperity. These include, along with shelter, adequate food, work, leisure, etc. and most of all adequate education for the children.
OVOLPE befürwortet die Idee von Gott und Familie mit Kind(ern), solange die Ressourcen vorhanden sind und dieses Model nicht aus Machtgelüsten missbraucht wird. „Mehret euch“ zu predigen, wenn nicht genug Nahrung, Rohstoffe, Infrastruktur und Schulen vorhanden sind und das Motiv ist, die eigene religiöse Anhängerschaft zu vermehren, ist unverantwortlich.
This was not possible in the pre-industrial age, when all the world religions arose. On the one hand, controlling the number of offspring was only possible within restricted limits. On the other hand, the offspring were needed to secure the food supply, along with building up infrastructure and in the best cases to improve prosperity. Large numbers of children were a blessing as workers. In the modern world, we have machines that replace many workers. Additionally, the amount of infrastructure already in existence is constantly increasing. Logically, this means that fewer and fewer workers are needed to build it, therefore fewer children are needed.
Planloses „mehret euch“ führt heute zu Armut, Unglück, Chaos und Gewalt und wird im schlimmsten Fall unsere Lebensgrundlage, den Planeten Erde unbewohnbar machen. OVOLPE sagt gründet nur eine Familie und mehret euch, wenn ihr dazu materiell in der Lage seid. Gute Bildung und ein glückliches Leben eurer Kinder ohne Armut sollten absehbar sein. Religionsführer sollten niedere Beweggründe (Machtgewinn, materielle Vorteile) für Vermehrung verurteilen und anprangern. Familien mit Kind(ern) in Harmonie mit der Natur, ihren Lebewesen und in Einklang mit den vorhandenen Ressourcen ist zu befürworten.
Our Partnerships
Zu unseren Partnern zählen: Pratthanadee Foundation, Help2kids, Engoitoi Epuan, Burundi Kids, Thatha Ithabu und weitere Organisationen.
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The OVOLPE Foundation will put your donation to work in many projects aimed at improving living conditions on the planet Earth.
The OVOLPE Foundation
Postbox 527
8700 Küsnacht
Worth knowing
Bank information for donations
OVOLPE’s account data:
CH65 0680 8050 0106 4030 0